Working at Newicon and the incredible skills I've learnt - By Ahmed Ismail

We recently bid farewell to our first intern, Ahmed Ismail. In this post Ahmed sums up his time with us, what he learnt and why he feels this experience was so enriching.

Lucy Rees Chief People Officer (CPO)
·2 min read (449 words)

After an insightful three months at Newicon, my overall experience has been unique. My objectives at the start were to gain insight into an agency and work on furthering my software development and design skills. Not only have I done that, but I have delved into design and figma more than I anticipated. This has landed me one of my most significant achievements: a freelance project for a company I work with, designing their website and putting it into a live launch, which hopefully will be my first of many.

I feel like I have achieved more than I wanted, and this is all down to the structure and help from my peers, Donata, Gemma, and Eric, who have all helped me with setting tasks and giving me tools to further my learning and understanding. My greatest obstacle was finishing tasks quickly and having a lot of idle time. If I had the knowledge I had towards the end of my internship, I would've used this idle time to do further research and take some more courses on design, which can help further my skills, which is what I will take into my next internship.

I would highly recommend this internship for a few reasons. First of all, you gain insight into how an agency works on a day-to-day basis and pick up key skills just from being in the workplace. I have seen my design and development skills improve dramatically while also becoming more educated in both sectors and many others. You also get to sit with clients and be involved in live project meetings, giving input or just shadowing and seeing how decisions get made. These skills are crucial, and you can only learn from being present. Most importantly, the support you get from Lucy is exemplary; she is very open and understanding of situations. You have weekly catch-ups along with any other extra meetings or help you need to make this internship the best for you. The great thing about Newicon is how great everybody is and how willing people are to help you and answer any questions.

In the future, I would love to become a freelancer, creating projects and having some more free time for myself within this design and software development industry. This would be a great way for me to achieve my goals. At Newicon, Gemma used to be a full-time freelancer and still does freelance work in her own spare time, so she has talked about her journey and given me a few tips and encouragement. I would love to see myself having a future career within this sector, whether in an agency or freelancing.

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Lucy Rees Chief People Officer (CPO) at Newicon

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